The last word on a page can not be divided.
- The last part of this essay can be divided into two sections.
- 2.According to the rules of word division, ____________ can be divided. A: health B: butter C: London D: change
- The word "oophorectomy" can be divided into several basic parts as _________. A: oo+pho+rec+tomy B: oopho+rec+tomy C: ooph+orec+tomy D: oophor+ectomy
- The word "ileocolitis" can be divided into several basic parts as _________. A: ileo+colitis B: ileo+col+itis C: ileoco+litis D: ileocol+itis
- The word "hypersomnia" can be divided into several basic parts as _________. A: hyper+somn+ia B: hy+per+somnia C: hy+per+som+nia D: hypersom+nia