In MLA format, the page number should always be included within the text for reference no matter it is an indirect or direct quote.
- In MLA in-text citation, any information included within your text should be repeated in the parentheses.
- At the end of an MLA paper, you need a: A: Work cited page B: Reference page
- Is it right or false?when we cite the reference,we should number the list of references and match with the citation in text
- Unlike the _____, _____ in-text citations usually require an author name and page number, and the year and date of publication do not need to be included in your parenthetical references. A: Chicago; Harvard B: Harvard; Chicago C: MLA; APA D: APA; MLA
- In in-text citation in MLA style, when is the author’s last name not included in the parenthesis? A: when an original, direct quote is cited. B: when the author’s last name appears in sentences where quotes are cited. C: when the quote is part of the sentence. D: when signal verbs are used in sentences where quotes are cited.
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The correct<br/>format for a quote with commission included is ( ). A: CIFC B: FOB NET C: FOBR D: CFRB
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basically,when we are using MLA style we need the last name of author,and the page number,but only only the page number if we're going to us a quotation.
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Cultural values of saving face and maintaing harmony always mean a more ________ style of communication. A: indirect B: direct
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There is a comma between the author’s name and the page number when we in-text document a print source in MLA style.
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What should you do if you don’t know the reference format? </p></p>