We've only just discovered that the new coronavirus is actually ____________ from one person to another.
- 中国大学MOOC: In academic contexts, the new and more important information is usually put at the end of a sentence. Compare the two sentences in each group and analyze which one is better at presenting the new information. (答案填写大写字母)A. Communication consists of transmitting information from one person to another usually via language.B. Transmitting information from one person to another usually via language comprises communication.
- There goes another. ... That leaves just four. (Para. 16) A: Another day is gone . ... Only four days remain. B: Look, another leaf has fallen. ... Only four leaves are left on the ivy vine.
- Changing career is something that most people think about at one time or another, but only a few people actually __________.
- You're talking with a group of four people. Do you make eye contact with ...? A: just the person to whom you're speaking at the moment. B: each of the four, moving your eye contact from one to another. C: no one particular person (not looking directly into anyone's eye.
- 中国大学MOOC: Reasoning is about how we move from one idea to another.