身份主义(身份属观)是/Identitarism is:
A: 对身份的政治工具化/a political intrumentalization of identity
B: 关于身份的学科/the science of identity
C: 对身份的宗教诠释观/a religious vision of identity
A: 对身份的政治工具化/a political intrumentalization of identity
B: 关于身份的学科/the science of identity
C: 对身份的宗教诠释观/a religious vision of identity
- 身份危机是/An identity crisis is: A: 对其他身份的暴力指责/a violent stigmatization of other identities B: 在群体所宣称的身份属性和为政治制度所界定的身份之间的困扰冲突/a discrepancy between the identity claimed by a group and the identity claimed by the political system in which the group is involved C: 一个心理学概念/a psychological concept
- 对自我身份定位(self identity)研究做出重大贡献的心理学家是()
- Gender identity is similar with biological sex or sexual identity. 性别身份与生理性别或性身份相似。
- 身份;同一性;一致 A: harmoney B: character C: identity D: information
- Gender identity is similar with biological sex or sexual identity. 性别身份与生理性别或性身份相似。 A: 正确 B: 错误