• 2022-06-08
    At first his novel design was ridiculed as______and crazy nonsense by his colleagues.
    A: ingenious
    B: imaginative
    C: impractical
    D: theoretical
  • C


    • 0

      He has kept the broken typewriter on his desk for years, because it is remindful ____ the days when he was striving to have his first novel published.

    • 1

      He is greatly_____________ (consider)by his colleagues.

    • 2

      His constant attempts to()his colleagues’ achievement eventually caused his dismissal. A: withdraw B: diminish C: restrain D: confine

    • 3

      His constant attempts to _________ his colleagues' achievements eventually led to his dismissal. A: reduce B: decrease C: deduce D: diminish

    • 4

      Mr. Green______ his colleagues ______his office. A: work with,at B: work with, in C: works with,at D: works with, in