A: In masculine society, fathers deal with facts and mothers with feelings.
B: In feminine society, people's attitude towards crying is:girls can cry, but boys can't.
C: In masculine society, people's attitude toward games is: boys play for competition; girls play for relationship.
D: In a culture with high masculinity, people tend to focus more on the quality of life.
- Part II Writing: A comparison / contrast essay writing Topic: How are boys and girls brought up? Introduction : Boys and girls are brought up in quite different ways, which can be seen in the clothes they wear, the toys they play with, and the games they like. Body: Supporting point 1: Boys and girls grow up wearing different clothes. • Boys wear plain and low-key colors. • Girls wear bright and strong colors. Supporting point 2: Boys and girls like to play with different types of toys. • Boys tend to have toys that demonstrate power and strength. • Girls favor toys that show feminine beauty. Supporting point 3: Boys and girls like to play distinct types of games. • Boys like to play more active outdoor games. • Girls like to play more games related to domestic activities. Conclusion: Children are raised in approaches that vary according to their gender.
- The toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with because () A: their social roles are rigidly determined B: most boys would like to follow their fathers' professions C: boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers D: they like challenging activities
- According to the speaker, what is the society's attitude toward the humanities? A: The humanities are as important as STEM. B: The humanities can widen people's horizons. C: The humanities are less important than STEM. D: The humanities are more important than STEM.
- It can be concluded from the passage that______. A: people's behavior accounts for attitude B: people's living habit is easy to change C: people's attitude towards punctuality is identical D: cultural difference can cause difference in attitude
- The people in western society have more open attitude than China did.
- 0
Which of the following can be considered as politness of language? A: To show consideration for the feelings and desires of others. B: To create and uphold interpersonal relationship. C: To mainly focus on someone's own purpose. D: To comply with the rules for what society or culture consider.
- 1
Which of the following are reasons for scarcity? ( ) A: People’s money is limited. B: People like to buy good quality stuff. C: People live in a society that is not fair. D: People always ask for more.
- 2
According to the speaker, what is the society's attitude toward the Humanities?
- 3
In femininity culture, quality of life and people are more important.
- 4
Which of the following can be considered as politness of language? A: To show consideration for the feelings and desires of others. B: To create and uphold interpersonal relationship. C: To mainly focus on someone& D: 39;s own purpose. E: To comply with the rules for what society or culture consider.