• 2022-06-09
    Which of the following is a valuable element that the human body
    A: carditis
    B: nuclease
    C: fructose
    D: valine
  • D


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      You<br/>are given pointers to first and last nodes of a singly linked list,<br/>which of the following operations are dependent on the length of the<br/>linked list? () A: Delete<br/>the first element B: Insert<br/>a new element as a first element C: Delete<br/>the last element of the list D: Add<br/>a new element at the end of the list

    • 1

      Which of the following is NOT closely related with functions of Qi? A: affect the reproductive function B: maintenance of normal body temperature C: consolidate and govern the blood and body fluid D: promote and stimulate the development of the human body

    • 2

      Which<br/>nutrient can provide energy for human body? ( <br/>) A: proteins B: fats C: carbohydrates D: minerals E: vitamins

    • 3

      According to Maslow, human needs are a clarified the need into 5 levels, which are ( ). A: Physiological needs B: Safety needs C: Esteem needs D: Self-actualisation needs

    • 4

      Which of the following is not the element of the narration?