• 2022-06-08
    The most important listening objects in the music space are:
    A: Passages and timbre
    B: Lines and rhythm
    C: Melody and passage
    D: Melody and lines
  • C


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      Which of the following lines are used as dimension lines, extension lines, leader lines, construction lines, section lines and projection lines?( ) A: Thin phantom lines B: Thin solid lines C: Thin center lines D: Wavy lines

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      Corresponding to the transverse movement of music in space, the vertical movement of music is: A: Time B: Speed C: Rhythm D: Movement

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      How many lines does a product description usually have? A: 1-2 lines B: 4-6 lines C: 7-9 lines D: 10-12 lines

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      The pattern of rhymes at the end of the lines in a poem or a poetic stanza is called ____. A: Rhyme scheme B: Onomatopoeia C: rhythm

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      In the most famous lines of Hamlet, “To be or not to be, that is the question”, the phrase “to be or not to be” refers to ( ).