• 2022-06-09
    In the novel Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser portrayed the success of Carrie Meeber and the downfall of Hurstwood to ________.
    A: expose the darkness of human nature
    B: prove the social Darwinism that only the fittest could survive
    C: prove that one’s nature is more important than one’s education
    D: illustrate the corruption of agricultural society
  • B


    • 0

      In Dr. Baum's opinion, a true nature reserve ______. A: could never survive in a modern age B: should provide building for human activities C: should be regarded as a place where nature is protected D: could provide special areas for tourist to enjoy

    • 1

      People always learn more from one’s failure than from the success!

    • 2

      In the novel Sister Carrie, Hurstwood is the manager of a hotel in __________ but gradually becomes a beggar in the street in __________. A: Chicago; his hometown B: his hometown; Chicago C: Chicago; New York City D: New York City; Chicago

    • 3

      In ______, Hawthorne discusses sin and evil and sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret. A: The Scarlet Letter B: B. Young Goodman Brown C: Sister Carrie D: Daisy Miller

    • 4

      8. Ants are one of nature’s most successful insects.