• 2022-06-09
    Glycolipids and glycoproteins are especially abundant in the‏
    A: nucleus.
    B: mitochondrial inner membrane
    C: cytosol
    D: plasma membrane
  • D


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      The envelope of an animal virus is derived from the ______ of its host cell. A: cell wall B: glycoproteins C: membrane D: receptors

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      Cell organelles are located within the ____ of the cell. A: nucleus B: cytoplasm C: Cell membrane D: lysosomes

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      Which of the following is FALSE about the nuclear envelope? A: It is not present in prokaryotic cells. B: It separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. C: It consists of an outer nuclear membrane and an inner nuclear membrane. D: It is continuous with the Golgi apparatus.

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      ​仅在真核细胞中存在而在原核细胞中不存在的细胞结构不包括以下那一项?​​​ A: Nucleus with membrane B: Organelles with membrane C: Ribosome D: Cell wall

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      The outermost part of an insect's egg is( ) A: chorion B: vitelline membrane C: periplasm D: egg nucleus