• 2022-06-09
    The speaker in a poem is ____.
    A: necessarily the poet herself
    B: often just a persona assumed by the poet
    C: only a character totally unrelated to the poet
  • B


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      “Break, Break, Break” is a poem that describes the poet's feelings of loss for his country.

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      The only poet of the sentimentalist school of literature is Thomas Gray, whose well-known "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" earned for him the name of a "( ) Poet". A: Graveyard B: Lake C: National D: Local

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      At the beginning of the poem“Virtue”, the poet compares the sweet day to the wedding of the earth and sky. Here, __________ is used.

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      With so many poems such as "The Sparrow’s Nest" "To a Skylark" "To the Cuckoo" and "To a Butterfly", William Wordsworth is regarded as a "______". A: poet of genius B: worshipper of nature C: royal poet D: conservative poet

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      ________, a master of poetic art and great poet in English renaissance, was acclaimed to be the poet’s poet.