• 2021-04-14
  • 折现


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      观光旅游一本通-餐厅订位 Terry is making a dinner reservation. Host: Good evening. Brown Derby. May I help you? Terry: Yes, I'd like to make a dinner reservation for this Saturday night at 7. Host: (1) . How about 7:30? We'll have a (2) then. Terry: That's fine. Host: Smoking or nonsmoking? Terry: Nonsmoking. (3) ? Host: Yes. (4) . Terry: Excellet. (5) . Hosst: May I have your name and phone number, please? Terry: Terry Chen, and the number is 555-8910.

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      以银行存款交纳所得税,所引起的变化是 A: 一项资产减少,一项权益增加 B: 一项资产减少, 一项负债减少 C: 一.项资产减少,一项资产增加 D: 一项负债减少, 项资产增加

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      Why can't the woman give Terry Young's test to the man A: Because it is against the law. B: Because the man is not a member of Terry's family. C: Because the woman cannot find the test. D: Because Terry was too sick to take the test.

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      Terry is A: a lawyer. B: a teacher. C: a photographer.

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      听力-餐厅订位填词(选自观光旅游一本通) Host: Good evening. Brown Derby. May I help you? Terry: Yes, I'd like to make a dinner reservation for this Saturday night at 7. Host: We're (1) (2) . How about 7:30? We'll have a (3) (4) then. Terry: That's fine. Host: Smoking or nonsmoking? Terry: Nonsmoking. Is the booth by the window? Host: Yes. It (5) the park. Terry: (6) . That'll do nicely. Host: May I have your name and phone number, please? Terry: Terry Chen, and the number is (7) .