句子“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”中的补语是:
- There is one happiness in life, to love and . A: be loved B: to love C: to be loved D: to be loving
- What is the subject in the sentence “To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in the world.”? ( ) A: To love B: to be loved C: To love and to be loved D: the greatest happiness
- We said, then, that it (happiness) is not a disposition; for if it were it might belong to someone who was asleep throughout his life, living the life of a plant, or, again, to someone who was suffering the greatest misfortunes. (Unit 9: On Happiness)In this statement, the author seems to suggest that __________. A: happiness might belong to someone who has a miserable life B: happiness might belong to someone who is disabled C: happiness is not a character, but a good activity D: happiness should be possessed by everyone
- If we cannot educate people for life as well as for a career, then that is a _________ against our educational system. A: poll B: salary C: render D: conviction
- In Lyubomirsky’s opinion, happiness is determined by ______.( ) A: Both A and B B: What we do and how we think C: Our genes and life circumstances