• 2022-06-09
    The English Romantic Age produced two major novelists. They are _______.( )
    A: Byron and Shelley
    B: Wordsworth and Coleridge
    C: Scott and Austen
    D: Lamb and Hazlitt
  • C


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      The glory of the Romantic Age lies in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats.

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      The two major novelists of the Romantic period are _____. A: William Wordsworth and John Keats B: John Keats and Jane Austen C: Jane Austen and Walter Scott D: William

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      The English Romantic period produced two major novelists: ____and ____.

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      _____ is considered the father of historical novelist in the English Romantic Age. A: Jane Austen B: Charles Lamb C: William Hazlitt D: Walter Scott

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      Which of the following were novelists of the Romantic period in English literature? A: Jane Austen B: Mary Shelley C: John Keats D: Charles Lamb