• 2021-04-14
    promise by the clinic: comments and suggestions to be kept 3
  • confidential



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      A “walk-in clinic” might be a clinic which accepts patients ___________.

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      In a question and answer session, the audience may ask questions to ____________. A: clarify points they didn’t understand B: learn more details C: raise different opinion and discuss it with the speaker D: get comments and suggestions on relevant issues

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      ‎In a question and answer session, the audience may ask questions to ____________.‌ A: clarify points they didn’t understand B: learn more details C: raise different opinion and discuss it with the speaker D: get comments and suggestions on relevant issues

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      以下哪些属于正确的Python注释方式? A: //comments B: %comments C: D: comments E: '''comments'''

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      A New Year resolution is () A: made to begin a new year B: a promise to make a joke C: a decision to improve oneself and make one a better person D: to be kept for the New Year's Day only