The adjustment in a second culture may include the following periods except
A: honeymoon period
B: culture shock period
C: mental integration period
D: initial adjustment period
A: honeymoon period
B: culture shock period
C: mental integration period
D: initial adjustment period
- Which stage of culture shock is full of observations and new discoveries?( ) A: adjustment period B: honeymoon period C: crisis period D: mastery period
- If someone has very good friends or close relatives in a foreign culture, which Stage might he never experience A: Honeymoon period B: Mental isolation C: Initial adjustment D: Acceptance and integration
- _______is also called the hostility or frustration stage. During this stage, a person experiences what is called culture shock. A: The honeymoon period B: The crisis period C: The adjustment period D: The biculturalism period
- 中国大学MOOC: The adjustment in a second culture may include the following periods except
- In<br/>which stage of intercultural adaptation have sojourners recovered or<br/>nearly recovered from the symptoms of culture shock and begun to<br/>work and play in the host culture with a feeling of enjoyment?() A: honeymoon<br/>period B: crisis<br/>period C: adjustment<br/>period D: appreciation<br/>period