• 2021-04-14
    the American Romantic Period stretches from the end of the _________ century through the outburst of the ______.
  • 18, civil war.


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      Being a period of the flowering of American literature, the Romantic period is also called “_____”.

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      Romanticism in American literature stretches fromto the break forth of American Civil War. A: early 18th century B: Spanish-American War C: early 19th century D: early 17th century

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      ______ was unanimously agreed to be the summit of the Romantic period in the history of American Literature.

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      Buddhism was introduced to China: A: in the 6th century BC B: in the Qin Dynasty C: in the Three Kingdoms Period D: from the end of the warring states to the end of western Han dynasty

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      中国大学MOOC:"In the early nineteenth century, the attitude of American writers was shaped by their New World environment and an array of ideas inherited from the romantic tradition of Europe.";