A: as wages and prices become more flexible
B: as wages become more rigid
C: as the economy moves further away from full employment
D: as the government implements expansionary fiscal policy
- The slope of the AS-curve becomes steeper A: as nominal wages become more flexible B: as nominal wages become more rigid C: as the actual level of output moves further away from potential output D: as the economy approaches full employment E: both A) and D)
- An increase in government purchases will NOT increase the level of output if A: the AS-curve is totally price elastic B: the price level is fixed C: wages and prices are completely rigid D: wages and prices are completely flexible E: real money balances are not affected
- The slope of the AD-curve will become steeper if A: money demand becomes more income inelastic B: money demand becomes more interest elastic C: investment becomes more interest elastic D: the income tax rate is decreased E: none of the above
- When bonds become more widely traded, and as a consequence the market becomes more liquid, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.
- 49. Expansionary fiscal policy will cause the IS curve to shift to the right.
- 0
Which one of the following statements is the MOST accurate? () A: Fiscal policy<br/>affects employment less under fixed than under flexible exchange rate<br/>regimes. B: Fiscal policy has<br/>the same effect on employment under fixed and flexible exchange rate<br/>regimes. C: Fiscal policy<br/>cannot affect employment under fixed exchange rate but does affect<br/>output under flexible exchange rate regimes. D: Fiscal policy<br/>affects employment more under fixed than under flexible exchange rate<br/>regimes.
- 1
Rising oil prices in the U.S. during the 1970s caused the economy’s ( ) A: aggregate supply curve to shift to the right. B: aggregate supply curve to shift to the left. C: aggregate demand curve to become vertical. D: aggregate demand curve to become horizontal.
- 2
According to the assignment rule, which of the following policy mixes<br/>is appropriate for a country with high inflation, a balance of<br/>payments deficit, and fixed exchange rates? ____. A: Expansionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy B: Expansionary fiscal policy and contractionary monetary policy C: Contractionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy D: Contractionary fiscal policy and contractionary monetary policy
- 3
It is very important for all of us to _________ music on its sheerly musical plane. A: become more alive with B: become more alive for C: become more alive to D: become more alive by
- 4
What is likely to happen in the future? ( ). A: Newspapers will become more reliable. B: More news will come from ordinary people. C: The media will become more powerful. D: The press will disappear.