• 2022-06-07
    Heritage resources have unique economic characteristics, which are universal, non- renewable and irreplaceable, and become special public resources.
  • 内容

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      What are the most important natural resources in Canada A: [A] Forest resources. B: [B] Mineral resources. C: [C] Water resources. D: [D] Agricultural resources.

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      Neither public goods nor common resources are

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      The Chinese meaning of 'irreplaceable resources'? A: 可再生能源 B: 不可再生能源 C: 有害能源 D: 无公害能源

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      Directions: Fill in the blanks with the following words: yield frugality irreplaceable luxury irresponsible manage 3. We have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and _____________ resources without regard for the future.

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      China has become the country with the largest increase in forest resources in the world.