• 2022-06-07
    Remittance refers to transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through ________ .
  • banks


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      The principal<br/>functionof foreign exchange markets isthe transfer of funds<br/>orpurchasing power from one nation and currency to another. ()

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      If we feel for the writing jumps from one idea to another idea,it means the logical relationship among sentences is clear.

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      Which one is not true for plagiarism? A: It is an unethical behavior. B: It can be screened by software programs. C: It refers to cite a reference unintentionally. D: It refers to attribute a quotation from another author improperly.

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      Lingua Franca refers to a specific __________ that is used as an __________ means of __________. It holds __________ among different groups of people.

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      transfer v.() A: break<br/>into small pieces B: make<br/>a soft swishing sound C: the<br/>act of moving something from one location to another