• 2022-06-07
    We should use several factors rather than only one factor to identify the processing power of a computer.
  • 内容

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      What will happen if we have to buy a house _________ rent one before we get married? A: rather B: than C: more than D: rather than

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      Which of the following statements about the use of spoken language is true? A: The nature of a language has noeffect on the way we perceive the world. B: The language of a society does not direct the attention of its members to certain features of the world rather than others. C: Countries with more than one languageoften only have one culture. D: Most people prefer to converse intheir own language rather than English.

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      We should know how to____the computer.(使用) A: claim B: use C: touch

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      We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in ______ with it.

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      Which one is NOT proper business etiquette according to the text? A: When we have a meeting, we should focus on the speaker rather than the cell phones. B: When we meet others, we should always speak clearly and loudly. C: Avoiding another’s eyes means that you have something to hide or lack confidence. D: We should use the words “Please” and “Thank You” frequently.