• 2022-06-07
    San Jose was among the best cities in America for poor kids to move up the social ladder. 
    A: A
    B: B
    C: C
    D: D
    E: E
    F: F
    G: G
    H: H
    I: I
    J: J
    K: K
  • B


    • 0

      已知一棵二叉树的前序序列为:A,B,D,G,J,E,H,C,F,I,K,L;中序序列为:D,J,G,B,E,H,A,C,K,I,L,F。该二叉树的后序序列为()。 A: J,H,F,B,G,D,K,L,I,F,C,A B: J,G,E,B,K,L,D,H,I,F,C,A C: J,G,D,H,E,B,K,L,I,F,C,A D: J,G,D,H,E,B,K,L,I,F,A,C

    • 1

      After failing again and again, most animals give up hope. A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K

    • 2

      More and more kids find it hard to fare any better with a college diploma. A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L

    • 3

      applying to work in a restaurant A: a B: b C: c D: d E: e F: f G: g H: h I: i J: j K: k L: l

    • 4

      The French tend to A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L M: M