• 2021-04-14
    Eugene’s never willing to alter any of his opinions.It’s no use ________ with him.
  • arguing


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      -He’s never advised to achieve a balance between his job and hobbies, ________? -_______. His parents and teachers often offer him advice to.

    • 1

      – Will Eddie use his brother’s bicycle? --- No, he wants one _______. A: for him B: of his own C: his alone D: only of himself

    • 2

      He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any to let him change will be in vain.

    • 3

      There is no use (argue) __________ with him about this term’s teaching plan. What you could do is obey his order.

    • 4

      What’s Alex’s view on writing a paper full of other people’s ideas and not including any of our own opinions?