古典调整过程(elassical adjustment process)
- 调整的精度很重要。 A: The precision of this adjustment is important. B: The accuracy of this adjustment is important. C: The correctness of this adjustment is important.
- Individuals experience the stages of adjustment and re-entry in different ways. The adjustment process may last . A: several days B: several years C: forever and never come to the end D: all the answers are possible
- This passage is mainly concerned about ______. A: cultural shock B: individuals in a foreign culture C: ways to adapt to a new culture D: stages in the adjustment process in a foreign culture
- The following is not the geometric error of machining process system (). A: machining principle error B: geometric error of machine tool C: adjustment error D: tool manufacturing error
- 过程(process)
- 0
- 1
process A: 吸收 B: 过程
- 2
概念题:管理过程( management process)
- 3
中国大学MOOC: 多变过程polytropic process()
- 4
The adjustment for is easier for some