• 2022-06-07
    ‏Which one of the following statements is correct?‏‏‏
    A: Culture and society has an enormous impact on gender roles.
    B: From an early age, children have learned societal expectations regarding gender-appropriate occupations from different places in America.
    C: Culture and society does not have an enormous impact on gender roles.
    D: Till a late age, children have learned societal expectations regarding gender-appropriate occupations from different places in America.
  • A,B


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      In a gender interview, the researcher asked a little boy Fei Fei, "If you wear a skirt, will you become a boy or a girl?" Which dimension of children's gender perception was examined? () A: Gender identity B: Gender stability C: Gender consistency D: Gender stereotypes

    • 1

      Which of the following are the most common and clinically useful risk factors for the breast cancer? A: Fibrocystic disease, age and gender B: Cysts, family history in immediate relatives and gender C: Age, gender and family history in immediate relatives D: Obesity, Nulliparity and alcohol use

    • 2

      _________ is a category that refers “to the socially imposed dichotomy of masculine and feminine roles and character traits” (Kramarae & Treichler 1985: 173)。 A: Social gender B: Cultural gender C: Natural gender D: Biological gender

    • 3

      查询student表中的gender字段(gender代表性别),使其查询记录中不能出现重复值的SQL语句是(1.0分) A: SELECT gender FROM student; B: SELECT DISTINCT * FROM student; C: SELECT DISTINCT gender FROM student; D: SELECT * FROM student;

    • 4

      Boys and girls have certain gender differences in math according to studies, except the following ______. A: women compute better than boys B: girls learn to hate math sooner and possibly for different reasons C: girls takes less math than boys (from age sixteen on) D: girls solve word problems better than boys