• 2022-06-07
    George Orwell made great efforts all his life to make a(n) ______ writing into an art.
    A: historical
    B: egoistic
    C: political
  • C


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      ______ is NOT included by Orwell among the great motives for writing?

    • 1

      He was praised for _________ a great contribution to his country. A: make B: making C: having make D: having made

    • 2

      He was praised for ______ a great contribution to his country. A: making B: having made C: have made D: D. make

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: His first book The Life of George Washington, was a great success and won him wide popularity.

    • 4

      George Orwell distinguished himself for his ideas about justice, freedom and ___.