• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following sentence means “The teacher is hard-working”? ( )
    A: "The teacher",/ said that student,/ "is hard-working."/
    B: The teacher said,/ "that student is hard-working."/
  • A



    • 0

      Which of the following is not nonverbal communication?( )。 A: "She said: ‘I like that cute dog!’ " B: "She acted like she didn't want me to sit next to her." C: "I know you're angry by the look on your face!" D: "He stood there looking lost."

    • 1

      假设已定义char ch[20],*str=ch; 下列哪条语句不正确_______________________。 A: str="teacher"; B: ch="teacher"; C: strcpy(ch, "teacher"); D: strcpy(str,"teacher");

    • 2

      Word中插入数学公式的方法是()。 A: "插入"→"形状"→"公式" B: "开发工具"→"公式" C: "插入"→"公式"→"插入新公式" D: "引用"→"插入"→"公式"

    • 3

      定义并初始化一个用于存放我们国家的四个直辖市的数组cityName,四个直辖市为:北京,上海,天津,重庆. 正确的是_________ A: String[] cityName=new String[4]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; B: String[] cityName=new String[]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; C: String[] cityName={"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; D: String cityName = new String[4] { "北京", "上海", "天津", "重庆" };

    • 4

      已知有一个名为names的空列表,如何向其中添加old_driver,rain,jack,shanshan,peiqi,black_girl 元素? A: names.append("old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl") B: names.extend("old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl") C: names.insert("old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl") D: names.extend(["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"])