Which of the following sentence means “The teacher is hard-working”? ( )
A: "The teacher",/ said that student,/ "is hard-working."/
B: The teacher said,/ "that student is hard-working."/
A: "The teacher",/ said that student,/ "is hard-working."/
B: The teacher said,/ "that student is hard-working."/
- 以下类方法定义正确的是() A: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") def showFav(cls): for item in cls.fav: print(item) B: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(cls): for item in fav: print(item) C: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(cls): for item in cls.fav: print(item) D: class Student: fav=("唱歌","跳舞","绘画") @classmethod def showFav(): for item in fav: print(item)
- 从学生表student查询所有女学生的信息,正确的语句是( )。 A: SELECT B: FROM student where 性别="女"; C: SELECT * FROM student where 性别="女"; D: SELECT ? FROM student where 性别="女"; E: SELECT FROM student where 性别="女";
- 在Student表中,将学生姓名为“王蒙”的学生改名为“王金山”,正确的SQL语句是___________。 A: UPDATE SET 姓名="王金山" IF 姓名="王蒙" B: UPDATE Student SET 姓名="王蒙"WHERE 姓名="王金山" C: UPDATE Student SET 姓名="王金山" WHERE 姓名="王蒙" D: UPDATE Student SET 姓名="王蒙" IF 姓名="王金山"
- 根据用户在文本框txtName中输入的姓名对Student表进行查询,以下SQL语句定义正确的是__________________。 A: String sql="Select * from Student where Sname="+txtName.getText(); B: String sql="Select * from Student where Sname='"+txtName.getText()+"'"; C: String sql="Select * from Student where Sname like "+txtName.getText(); D: String sql="Select * from Student where Sname like '"+txtName.getText()+"'";
- 以下字符串定义错误的是___________。 A: char s[7]="Teacher"; B: char s[]="Teacher"; C: char s[10]={"Teacher"}; D: char s[10]="Teacher";