有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Con char ID; public: Con():ID(’A)cout<<1; Con(char ID):ID(ID)cout<<2; Con(Con &c):ID(c.getID())cout<<3; char getID()constreturn ID; ; void show(Con c)cout<<c.getID(); int main() Con c1; show(c1); Con c2(’B’); show(c2); return 0; 执行上面程序的输出是( )。
A: 13A23A
B: 23A13B
C: 13A23B
D: 13823A
A: 13A23A
B: 23A13B
C: 13A23B
D: 13823A
- Use the following code to answer the following questions: int id = 0; cout [< "ID: "; cin ]> id; if (id == 1) cout << "Janet"; else if (id == 2 || id == 3) cout << "Mark"; else if (id == 4) cout << "Jerry"; else cout << "Sue"; (1) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 2? (2) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 4? (3) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 3? (4) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 8
- 给以下代码中id名为con的元素设置样式正确的是 A: box>.main{font:16px;} B: box .main{font:16px "微软雅黑"} C: #con{font-family:16px} D: .con{font:16px/32px "微软雅黑"}
- 预应力张拉程序正确的是() A: 0→1.05σcon B: 0→1.03σcon C: 0→σcon D: 0→1.08σcon(持荷2分钟)→σcon
- 后张法预应力筋的张拉程序正确的有:() A: 0→σcon B: 0→1.03σcon C: 0→1.05σcon D: 0→1.05σcon→持荷2min→σcon E: 0→1.03σcon→σcon
- 后张法预应力钢筋的超张拉程序通常是:() A: 0→102%σcon B: 0→103%σcon C: 0→105%σcon→σcon D: 0→104%σcon