• 2022-06-07
    Your prices were (reasonable) than those of the other two companies.?xml:namespace>
  • more reasonable


    • 0

      Tom and John have arrived, but_____students in the class aren’t here yet.?xml:namespace> A: other B: the others?xml:namespace> C: others D: the other?xml:namespace>

    • 1

      Our prices are ( ) to those in other shops.

    • 2

      时下流行一首顺口溜“你把我当人看,我就把我当牛干;你把我当牛看,我就什么也不干。”这首顺口溜反映了职工的什么需求( )?xml:namespace> A: 自我实现需求?xml:namespace> B: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />保障或安全需求 C: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />尊重需求 D: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />归属和承认的需求

    • 3

      The tall tree,() leaves are darker than those of the other two, is as old as grandpa. A: which B: whose C: ofwhich D: that

    • 4

      They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors’ , so they ______ prices accordingly.