• 2022-06-07
    Diabetes mellitus is a relatively common disease: about ____ of the U.S. population, and nearly 25% of the U.S. population over the age of 65, show some degree of abnormality in glucose metabolism that is indicative of diabetes or a tendency toward the condition.
    A: 5%
    B: 9%
    C: 12%
    D: 15%
  • B


    • 0

      From the information given in Para. 2, the combined population of the U.S. and Canada is ______.

    • 1

      The city’s population ______ 12 million.

    • 2

      BRICS countries comprise nearly half of the world's population, 1/4 of the world's landmass.

    • 3

      Investigation on prevalence rate of diabetes in Zhenjiang in 2019,the study population should be ________ A: all the patients with diabetes B: All the residents in Zhenjiang C: All the residents in Zhenjiang in 2019 D: All the diabetics in Zhenjiang in 2019

    • 4

      () What are the possible consequences of obesity based on the information of this video?? heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, and certain cancers|insomnia, heart disease, diabetes and stroke|AIDS, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers|heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers