• 2022-06-07
    In a population of 5000, incidence of disease is 100 in 1 year duration of disease studied for is 2 years calculate Prevalence ( )
    A: 400/1000
    B: 80/1000
    C: 20/1000
    D: 40/1000
  • D


    • 0

      对跨度不小于4m的梁、板,其模板施工起拱高度宜为梁、板跨度的( )。 A: 1/1000~1.5/1000 B: 1/1000~2/1000 C: 1/1000~3/1000 D: 2/1000~3/1000

    • 1

      跨度大于4m的梁或板的现浇混凝土起拱高度为( )。 A: 2/1000~4/1000 B: 1/1000~2/1000 C: 1/1000~3/1000 D: 4/1000以上

    • 2

      当设计无规定时,梁或板底模起拱高度宜为全跨长度的() A: 1/100~3/100 B: 1/100~2/100 C: 1/1000~3/1000 D: 3/1000~5/1000

    • 3

      Suppose the cost to produce 100 units of a product is $5000, and the cost to produce 125 units is $6000. If cost c is linearly related to output q, find an equation relating c and q. A: None of the above B: q = 40 c – 1000 C: c = q/40 – 1000 D: q = c/40 + 1000 E: c = 40q + 1000

    • 4

      如梁跨度等于或大于4m,应使梁底模起拱,起拱高度宜为全跨长度的()。 A: 1/1000~2/1000 B: 1/1000~3/1000 C: 2/1000~3/1000 D: 1/1000~4/1000