• 2021-04-14
    8051 MCU is bits MCU. It has timers in it, and each timer is bits timer.
  • 8216


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      一个字符的标准ASCII码码长是( )。(2.0) A: 7 bits B: 8 bits C: 16 bits D: 6 bits

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      There are 4 I/O ports in 8051 MCU. In these ports, P has No Pull-up register in it.

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      Pixel depth refers to the number of bits used by each pixel and determines the number of colors that each pixel may have. ( )

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      根据汉字国标GB2312_80的规定,一个汉字的内码长为______。 A: 8 bits B: 12 bits C: 16 bits D: 24 bits

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      一个字符的标准ASCII码(非扩展的ASCII码)是______。 A: 8 bits B: 7 bits C: 16 bits D: 6 bits