which one of the following organ is not the internal genital organ of
female? ()
A: ovary
B: uterus
C: vagina
D: prostate
female? ()
A: ovary
B: uterus
C: vagina
D: prostate
- What is the organ in the female<br/>body that produces eggs? A: uterus B: vulva C: ovary D: vagina
- _______, also called womb, an inverted pear-shaped muscular organ of the female reproductive system, located between the bladder and the rectum. A: Cervix B: Uterus C: Prostate D: Vagina
- which of the following statements is TRUE A: vagina is the sexual intercourse organ for women B: vagina is the erectile organ for women C: men have erectile organ while women do notchunv D: hymen is the sexual intercourse organ for women
- Which<br/>of the following organ is not the extraordinary organs.() A: Blood<br/>vessel B: Bone C: the<br/>gallbladder D: Sanjiao E: Uterus
- What does endometrium refer to? A: a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females B: an egg, especially one <br/>that develops inside the<br/>mother’s body C: the organ in the female<br/>body that produce eggs D: the mucous membrane that <br/>lines the uterus