• 2022-06-07
    All of the following pairs of sounds except ______ are distinguished from each other by the feature "+voiced".
    A: /p/ and /b/
    B: /t/ and /d/
    C: /k/ and /g/
    D: /m/ and /n/
  • D


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      The following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. You will hear either sentence (A) or (B). Choose the one you hear. A: They like all the food. B: They liked all the food. C: n/a D: n/a

    • 1

      Example of fricative consonant sounds are _______. A: /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ B: /g/ /l/ /h/ C: /n/ /m/ /s/ D: /t/ /d/ /p/

    • 2

      普通话声母中的塞音是______。 A: d、t、g、k B: b、p、g、k C: b、p、d、t、g、k D: d、t、g、k、n、l

    • 3

      设有关键码序列(Q,G,M,Z,A,N,B,P,X,H,Y,S,T,L,K,E),采用二路归并排序法进行排序,下面哪一个序列是第二趟归并后的结果() A: G, Q, M, Z, A, N, B, P, H, X, S, Y, L, T, B, K B: G, M, Q, Z, A, B, N, P, H, S, X, Y, E, K, L, T C: G, M, Q, A, N, B, P, X, H, Y, S, T, L, K, E, Z D: A, B, G, M, N, P, Q, Z, E, H, K, L, S, T, X, Y

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      The sounds /s/, /z/, /t/ and /d/ have one feature in common, i.e., they are all ____sounds.