• 2022-06-07
    As a basic word, "father" is borrowed from ______.
    A: Scandinavian
    B: Greek
    C: French
    D: Latin
  • A


    • 0

      5.In the 9th century, England was invaded by Norwegian and Danish Vikings and many____words came into the English language. A: Celtic B: Latin C: Scandinavian D: Greek

    • 1

      In the 9th century,England was invaded by Norwegian and Danish Vikings and many_____ words came into the English language. A: Greek B: Scandinavian C: Celtic D: Latin

    • 2

      “Renaissance” is a word borrowed from ____, meaning<br/>rebirth of European art and literature. A: French B: German C: Italian D: Spanish

    • 3

      An acronym is formed from A: a proper name B: Latin or Greek C: a compound word D: the First letter of each word in a phrase E: two or more roots

    • 4

      The name of television comes from the Greek word tele and the Latin word videre, ______ "far" and "to see", respectively. A: meaning B: meant C: are meant D: have the meaning of