• 2022-06-07
    One of the ___________ features of this book is its distinct illustrations.
  • distinctive


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      One of the _______ features of this book is its______ illustrations. A: distinguished; distinctive B: distinct ; distinct C: distinctive; distinct

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      One of the ___________ features of this book is itsdistinct illustrations. A: distinguished B: distinctive C: distinct

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      “One of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations”翻译为:这本书的特色之一就是它具有清楚明了的图解。

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      用distinct,distinctive,distinguished 填空。One of the1) _features of this book is its 2)_illustrations.The Chinese nation is 3)__for its diligence and courage.

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      distinguished distinctive distinct 1) His grandfather had been a _____________university professor. 2) Irene had a very ___________ voice. 3) I have the __________feeling that my friend did not realize what was happening. 4) One of the ___________features of this book is its (5) ________ illustrations.