• 2022-06-07
    sample can also be called _____________.()
    A: duplicate
    B: sealed
    C: confirmed
    D: contracted
  • C


    • 0

      The<br/>methods used for evidence collection will vary depending on?() A: the<br/>environmental condition B: Laboratory<br/>condition C: the<br/>entirety of sample D: the<br/>type of sample

    • 1

      A<br/>sample in which the characteristics of the sample are the same as<br/>those of the population is a ( ) A: variables<br/>sample. B: representative<br/>sample. C: attributes<br/>sample. D: random<br/>sample.

    • 2

      In international trade, according to supplier of the sample, sales by sample can be divided into A: Sales by Seller’s Sample B: Sales by Buyer’s Sample C: Sales by Counter Sample D: Sale by Descriptions or Illustrations E: Sales by Reference Sample

    • 3

      Two events are mutually exclusive if( ) A: the<br/>probability of their intersection is 1. B: they have no sample points in common. C: the<br/>probability of their intersection is 0.5. D: the<br/>probability of their union is 1 and they have no sample points in<br/>common.

    • 4

      If we wanted to reduce the standard error of the sample mean by half, we would need a sample size of about() A: 184 B: 46 C: 92 D: 50 <br/>Part 4 - Retail Sales<br/>A retailer randomly sampled 38 shoppers on “Black Friday”<br/>(the day after Thanksgiving – the largest retail shopping day<br/>of the year in the E: ), and surveyed them about their shopping<br/>habits, including time spent. The sample mean was reported as 5.58<br/>hours, with a sample variance of 7.59.