• 2022-06-07
    The safari hunter was nearly _____ to death by a herd of elephants.
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      ______ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.

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      20. She was so worried about weight that she once nearly starved herself ___ death when she discovered that she had grown out of a pair of jeans.

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      It was said that after his father's death, he possessed nearly half of his father's wealth, A: wasted B: owned C: purchased D: sold

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      25. The park has lots of wildlife, ____ from butterflies to elephants.

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      猎头公司是我们招聘高级管理人员的渠道之一,猎头公司的英文名称叫做()。 A: TAlEnt HuntEr B: Hunting CompAny C: HEAD HuntEr D: MAnAgEmEnt HuntEr