• 2022-06-07
    The bus driver was correct about the validity of the author's transfer ticket.
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      中国大学MOOC: Some companies permit a debit card for deposits, typically with proof of a round-trip travel ticket, like an airline, bus, or train ticket.

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      What kind of ticket has the woman got A: A half-price ticket. B: A one-way ticket. C: A round-trip ticket.

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      Questions 11-13 are based on the following conversation between a driver and a police officer. What did the police officer threaten to do?() A: Give the driver a ticket. B: Take the driver to court. C: Retain the driver's car. D: Take the driver to the police station.

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      _______ the bus driver, all the passengers are saved. The driver managed to stop the bus before he died.

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      For the rest of his bus ride, the author complained about the driver to the elderly gentleman beside him because __________. A: the old man lent him the 50 cents to pay the bus fare B: he was too afraid to complain directly to the drive C: he sat too far away from the bus drive D: the other passengers refused to listen to him