• 2022-06-07
    (多选)Which of the following are NOT true about Lady Gaga?
    A: is a popular celebrity
    B: does not like to be in the limelight
    C: was a professional actress before becoming a singer
    D: is very well known for her outrageous clothes outfits and risqué style
  • B,C


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      Maya Angelou held a variety of jobs in order to survive before finding her niche as a writer. Which statement about her job is Not true? A: She worked as a civil rights activist. B: She worked as an actress, singer, and dancer in the 1950s and 1960s. C: She once served as professor of American Studies in a university. D: She served on two presidential committees, for Richard Nixon and for Jimmy Carter.

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      Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about Anna Eleanor Roosevelt according to the text? A: A)She courageously nursed her husband through his disability. B: B)She wanted to be an actress when she was a child. C: C)She fulfilled her role as “First Lady” by helping her husband manage the White House and raising six children. D: D)She was highly respected American spokeserson to the United Nations.

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      Which of the following is known to be TRUE?

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      20. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Sue’s life a year and a half before? A: She was earning $56,000 a year at her old job. B: She enjoyed vacationing in places like Mexico and the Caribbean. C: She had started business school at an excellent university. D: She lost her job.

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      The game is popular ____. A: It is common. B: It is well known. C: It is pleasing. D: They like it very much.