• 2022-06-07
    His first job was as a doctor at a mental health center in Virgini()
    A: Right
    B: Wrong
    C: Not Mentioned
  • B


    • 0

      7. When Cousins wrote his book, everyone agreed with him. A: Right B: Wrong C: Not mentioned

    • 1

      The way a man looks has little to do with the job opportunities he may have. A: Right B: Wrong C: Not mentioned

    • 2

      There is no need for a manager to find out the merits of his employees. A: A. Right B: B. Wrong C: C. Not mentioned

    • 3

      What is NOT mentioned in this unit as a way to achieve mental health?

    • 4

      People living in the Middle East first learned to grow plants for food about 10,000 year ago. A: Right B: Wrong C: Not mentioned