• 2022-06-07
    They say that women are smarter than men. Women ________________ to be smarter than men.
    A: were being said
    B: were said
    C: are said
  • C


    • 0

      Women are often said to be more ____ than men. A: liable B: identical C: emotional D: immense

    • 1

      ______most school teachers were men, but today there are more women than men. A: At once B: At one time C: At present D: At the time

    • 2

      Women are often said to be more ____ than men. A: liable B: identical C: emotional D: immense?xml:namespace>

    • 3

      . however Many people believe that women talk more than men. Research shows that men talk longer than women do.

    • 4

      Women tend to make longer eye contact than men, both when interacting with other women and with men.