reward ( )
A: affording a
sense of satisfaction; gratifying.
B: one who tells or
writes stories.
C: money or
valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
D: to give
something to in return for a good deed or good work.
A: affording a
sense of satisfaction; gratifying.
B: one who tells or
writes stories.
C: money or
valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
D: to give
something to in return for a good deed or good work.
- reverse ( <br/>) A: money or<br/>valuable items that have been collected or stored up. B: to turn in an<br/>opposite position or direction. C: a food made from<br/>soybeans. __________ has a mild taste and looks and feels like soft<br/>cheese. D: longing for<br/>one's home.
- joy () A: to give up a job<br/>or career. B: something that<br/>causes good feelings or happiness. C: freedom from pain,<br/>worry, or hard work. D: to have an effect<br/>on a person's actions or thoughts.
- People<br/>appreciate ____wit him because he has a good sense of humor. A: to work B: to have worked C: working D: have working
- satisfaction <br/>( ) A: the work a<br/>person does to earn a living; profession. B: a pleasant<br/>feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. C: almost; just<br/>about but not quite. D: to have a low<br/>opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by<br/>"of").
- broke ( ) A: rules for good<br/>behavior and manners. B: having no money<br/>to spend or to live on. C: to plan the use<br/>or spending of. D: to put or spread<br/>something over or on.