How____(polite) it is to point at others with your chopsticks at dinner table.
- Never bang your chopsticks like drumsticks. Why? A: Tells others at the table you're incompetent. B: Tells others at the table you disrepect their children. C: Tells others at the table you're impotent. D: Tell others at the table you're beggar.
- An American may point to his _______ to show he is full at the dinner table.
- Which of the following statements is the right thing to do?( ) A: Stick your chopisticks in your rice bowl. B: Let your chopsticks cross over those of others. C: Place your chopsticks on the table. D: Place your chopsticks lengthways on a chopstick holder.
- Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me, ________ learning how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult.
- If you are invited to a business dinner, you can place your handbag or sunglasses on the table.