• 2022-06-07
    _____________ means a strong desire to achieve something high and great One.
    A: A. Cultivation
    B: B. Humaneness
    C: C. Aspiration
    D: D. Ambition
  • C


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      What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organizations A: To earn high financial rewards. B: To achieve promotion C: To attain a personal ambition D: To pursue something stimulating.

    • 1

      ambition means strong drive for success

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      a________ to have a strong desire to achieve sth.

    • 3

      If you set up your goal and start your preparations as early as possible, you will achieve your ( ) to become one of the most famous scientists in the future. A: intention B: ambition C: amusement D: desire

    • 4

      aspiration means: A: a cherished desire B: a state of peace and quiet C: a feeling of hostility D: an agreement between nations