• 2022-06-07
    A: dot
    B: spot
    C: point
    D: time
  • A


    • 0

      208.下列哪些Light可以产生投影?() A: Spot B: Point C: Parallel D: Ambient

    • 1

      “Whatisthe(要点)?” A: time B: address C: point D: /

    • 2

      There’s no ____ in arguing with him—he won’t change his mind. A: point B: use C: end D: spot

    • 3

      Unity提供了那几种光源( ) A: Area Light B: Point Light C: Spot Light D: Dierctional Light

    • 4

      The most important __________of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. A: element B: spot C: sense D: point