• 2022-06-07
    要清除已经在图片框Picture1中打印的字符串而不清除图片框中的图像,应使用语句( )。
    A: Picture 1.Cls
    B: Picture 1.Picture=LoadPicture(””)
    C: Picture 1.Print””
    D: Picture 1.Picture””
  • A


    • 0

      设窗体上有一个Picturel图片框,要求在图片框中的指定位置(坐标为(500,300))输出“OK”,下面可以实现这一功能的事件过程是 A: Private Sub Form_Click() Picture 1.CurrentX=500 Picture 1.CurrentY=300 Picture 1.Print"OK" End Sub B: Private Sub Form_Click() Picturel.Left=500 Picturel.Top=300 Picture 1.Print"OK" End Sub C: Private Sub Form_Click() Picture 1.CurrentX=500 Picture 1.CurrentY=300 Print"OK" End Sub D: Private Sub Form_Click() Picturel.Left=500 Picturel.Top=300 Print"OK" End Sub

    • 1

      以下选项中,不属于图片框(Picture Box)的属性是()。 A: Align B: Caption C: Picture D: Visible

    • 2

      设图像框(Image)名称为Image1,则下面语句中正确的是______。 A: Image1. Picture = LoadPicture("pic. jpg") B: Image1. Print "图像框" C: Image1. Picture = "pic. jpg" D: Image1. AutoSize = False

    • 3

      Suppose that the demand for picture frames is elastic and the supply of picture frames is inelastic. A tax of $1 per frame levied on picture frames will decrease the effective price received by sellers of picture frames by

    • 4

      为了清除图片框Picture1中的图形,应采取的正确方法是()。 A: 选择图片框,然后按Del键 B: 执行语句Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("") C: 执行语句Picture1.Picture = "" D: 选择图片框,在属性窗口中选择Picture属性条,然后按回车键