• 2022-06-07
    [Filling in the blank with a proper preposition or an adverb.]Unlike their parents and grandparents, today young people in the United States can no longer take it ______ granted that their life is going to be better than before.
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      Studies show depression______. A: is more common today than in the past decades B: was more common in the old generations C: increased ten times in the days of our parents and grandparents D: afflicts only young people

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      [Fill in the blank with the correct preposition or adverb.]I'm afraid the main idea still does not come ______ in this article.

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      Many of the laborsaving devices.........................we all take for granted today did not exist before the war.

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      In what ways are young people today unlikely to do the same as their parents?

    • 4

      College students today() A: make up nearly halt' of the American population B: are deeply interested in making a better life for all people C: have not been given a fair chance before now D: are always finding fault with their parents