According to the passage, when did modern bicycles first appear
A: Twenty years before 1876.
B: Around 1887.
C: About 1876.
D: In the late eighteenth century.
A: Twenty years before 1876.
B: Around 1887.
C: About 1876.
D: In the late eighteenth century.
- When did the story first appear in a magazine? A: before the World War I B: before the World War II C: during the first and second World War D: not mentioned
- When did people try to develop ways of showing motion with photographs() A: Before the twentieth century. B: Early in the beginning of the twentieth century. C: At the dawn of the first day of the twentieth century. D: After the dawn of the twentieth century.
- When did New York get its nickname"the Big Apple'"? A: The late 20th century. B: The late 18th century. C: The early 19th century. D: The early 20th century.
- When did the idea of the UN originate A: At the beginning of the 18th century. B: In the middle of the 18th century. C: In the late 18th century. D: At the beginning of the 19th century.
- When did ice come into household use() A: Before the nineteenth century. B: By the mid-nineteenth century. C: Before the Civil War. D: After the Civil War.