There is no neutral layer (one layer without deformation) for a bar under the combination of tension and bending.
- In the following cases, ( ) belongs to pure bending. A: The external loads act on the longitudinal symmetric plane of the member; B: The members are only bent without torsion and tension deformation; C: The load on the member is only concentrated couples; D: There is no shear force on each cross section of the member, and the bending moment is a constant.
- A typical neutral network includes layer, hidden layers and output layer.
- The internal forces in a thin plate under bending deformation include: A: bending moment B: twisting moment C: shear force D: axial force
- When an IP packet is Layer 3-switched from a source in one VLAN to a destination in another VLAN,which field in a packet will be rewritten? () A: Layer 2 TTL B: Layer 3 TTL C: Layer 3 source address D: Layer 3 transport protocol E: Layer 3 destination addre
- The input layer is one of the hidden layer.